{ MEdical Record Information System }

Our medical department contribute to improve the management of medical record in medical instutition through the MEdical Record Information System"MERIS PEACE"

MERIS PEACE features

The MEdical Record Information System "MERIS PEACE" is improving efficiently management and utilization of clinical information.

We developped the first MEdical Record Information System in Japan in coordination with the medical record management society, doctors and medical information manager for 25 years. To answer new standards and new perspective, we greatly improved the MEdical Record Information System "MERIS PEACE". Make it simpler and more flexible.

Example of Screen
Change the layout to fit your needs
■ User can change the set up of input items, position and order.
■ Forms for data export or import
Economic efficiency
Provision of packages at custom prices
■ Based on database size, cost and environment
■ Providing periodical update on extension module
Adapted user-Inteface, faster operation, number of window reduce
■ Clear and colorfull interface
■ Number of input required reduced
■ Concentration of operation buttons

System Flow

Considering current standard such as clear interface, reduce the number of input required and the number of windows, the system was optimally adjusted to ensure compatibility with conventional model such as MEDIS-DC. Data can be imported from conventional model or exported in different format.

Hospital list

List of hospitals already using our MEdical Record Information System "MERIS PEACE".

Region Name of hospital
Tokyo Toho university medical center Omori hospital
Japan medical university hospital
Japan medical university Musashi Kosugi hospital
Japan medical university Tama Nagayama hospital
Tokyo Takanawa hospital
NTT East Japan Kanto hospital
Niigata Prefecture Welfare Agricultural Cooperative Federation Kashiwazaki General Medical Center
Ishikawa prefecture IShikawa prefecture central hospital
Fukui prefecture Fukui prefecture medical center hospital
Fukui prefecture hospital
Hyogo prefecture Public toyoka hospital Hidaka medical center
Joyo Ebirichi hospital
New Suma hospital